Tuesday, May 27, 2014

X-Men: Days of Future Past

FINALLY!  The X-Men movie I have been waiting for!  Right off the bat, this is a must see and full-fills the needs of any action/adventure, superhero, syfy movie fan.

Within the first ten minutes, I found myself intrigued, mesmerized, and (what all the previous X-Men movies have lacked) a sincere investment in the characters' well being.  A great mix of previously seen X-Men with new characters wrapped in years of trust and reliance built upon a constant battle for survival within the near future.  Within these first few moments with very little to no dialogue, the surviving X-Men battle with such a unified front utilizing each others strengths and relying on their skills.  These dynamic thrilling sequences demonstrate a small group of mutant combatants fighting strategically and with a ferocity to protect the greater good and each-other, no matter the personal cost.  I was hooked!

At first, knowing that the lynch pin for this epic adventure spanning time itself was to be Wolverine, played by Hugh Jackman for the seventh time, I was skeptical and a little annoyed.  Wolverine has played a key character in 5 of the 6 X-Men movies and a stand alone Wolverine movie, can we please invest in someone else in this vast and expansive universe?  With that said, I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed seeing the character twists in this movie.  Wolverine is portrayed as a more grounded even compassionate soul.  His complete turn from self centered pity within the first few movies has completely given way to a mature yet still very aggressive version of Wolverine who puts everything aside to achieve the greater good and the safety of his fellow X-Men.  It's fun and dare I say moving to see him as the level headed leader in the midst of younger immature versions of his hard earned friends.  Hugh Jackman was quoted in an interview saying that eventually he will no longer be able to play the part Wolverine.  The limitations on aging is inevitable.  Personally, I feel this is an excellent swan song for both Wolverine and Hugh Jackman.  Potentially an excellent ending to his 14 years as Wolverine.  Fortunately or Unfortunately, depending on your tastes, it sounds as though he will be doing the next Wolverine movie and perhaps X-Men: Apocalypse.  He was quoted by IGN about perhaps portraying his character in a future Avengers movie.

"I would love to see him as part of ‘The Avengers.’ Because there's a great dysfunction among that team, and I think Wolverine would fit right into that. He'd like that. There's no doubt he'd get in a fight with the Hulk at some point. Those two bad, rage-filled characters are going to square off at some point. It would be quite fun. I don't know how much fun to shoot it would be because I'm sure I'd be on the worst end of it, but hey, he can heal." 

I must say, this is a very intriguing idea!

Any way, back to the review.

One of the stand out scenes for me was with Quicksilver, played by Evan Peters.  During a prison break in the Pentagon this scene combines special effects with a scene full of teenage care free attitude out to have a good time fulfilled by incredible speeds underscored by  Time in a Bottle by Jim Croce.  This scene is brilliant and almost stands alone as it's own complete film fulfilling all the needs of character, story, action, and amazing special effects!  Not since the original Matrix movie has there been a special effects sequence that left me bewildered, mesmerized, and enthralled!

Evan Peters as Quicksilver

The look, feel, and design of the film is very well done.  It's especially exciting to see 2 very different time periods within the 70's and the near future.  The future version of the X-Men are dressed militarily in a style  reminiscent of battle armor that hint at the character's comic origins with color choices and silhouettes.  The outfits feel simultaneously utilitarian, while pushing the elements of fantastical that we expect from our traditional comic super heroes.

The X-Men story line is laced with a much darker side of humanity.  Exploring equality in the midst of prejudice rooted in fear and fighting for survival at all costs verses choosing a more ethical and humane path.  This film, for the first time, truly defines this dark struggle while exploring the intimate friendship between two enemies, Professor X and Magneto, played by Patrick Stewart/James McAvoy and Ian McKellen/Michael Fassbender. Perhaps because we see the back story thoroughly developed between X-Men: First Class and this movie that the caustic bond between these two powerful individuals fighting the same war with two very different strategies is thoroughly developed in a gripping and compelling way.  

In the end, I love how this movie answers all the right questions, while opening the door wide open for many more.  It's also great to see so many familiar faces!

From the first 10 minutes, that hook never let go!  I was invested in the entire story line, but more importantly within the characters.  After so many attempts, this movie gets it right by creating characters that an audience cares about and can relate to.  Yes, even in a superhero action movie, well developed intriguing characters make a story compelling. I never felt that the movie was running long, nor did it ever lapse in energy.  It is a wild and very enjoyable ride!

This movie is proof that an action superhero movie can be great with strong relatable characters, an intriguing and inventive plot, mixed with believable (within the scope of the X-Men world) and thrilling action/special effects!  X-Men: Days of Future Past clearly belongs on the top of my summer movie rating.  It will be very difficult and something extraordinary to unseat this hero of a movie!

Since X-Men came out in 2000, I find myself for the first time excited to see what's next from this franchise!    

1.  X-Men: Days of Future Past
2.  The Amazing Spider-Man 2
3.  Godzilla

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